Author Posts

December 21, 2023
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The Fire Within Werner Herzog

Hello readers, in this first article of my column, I want to tell you about an eclectic, visionary artist. A filmmaker who broke boundaries by bringing to film man's challenge…

Date: November 5, 2023

Credit Suisse hops on NFTs bandwagon

Credit Suisse, a leading financial institution, has recognized the potential of NFTs and has started to offer its clients access to this market. This article will explore NFTs, how they…

Date: October 12, 2023

Nft digital ownership, a revolution in progress?

It is understanding NFT digital ownership and its significance. NFT digital ownership is the latest innovation in the world of blockchain technology. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital assets…

Date: September 22, 2023

Who is Annalisa Curtarelli

Hello readers, as you may have already read, this blog aims to disseminate in-depth arguments on topics concerning Web2 and Web3 with a focus also on art in the digital…

Date: June 19, 2023

Google Analytics 4: Revolutionising Data Analysis for the Future of Marketing

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the new version of Google's data analysis platform, designed to offer users a more comprehensive and integrated view of their online activities. With GA4, Google…

Date: May 14, 2023

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